Why i started growing Oak trees.

A few years back Elaine and I visited a place called castle rising, in Norfolk.
While we was there we saw a sign under a big old tree, it said the tree was planted by a prince as a sign of his love for his princess.
The tree was a couple of hundred years old , and I thaught how romantic a gesture.
A hundred yards or so away was a tree that his princess had planted for him.
That was it I am a sucker for a bit of romance, Elaine and I have no castle or big bit of land.
What we do have is a growing number of Oak trees, that we grew and planted.
Long after we are gone our trees will still be here, decorating the country side.
I am working on a way of getting a few of our trees documented, so when people look up our family tree.
They will find out our tree story, along with references as to where they are.

So much for romance Elaine and i are no longer together.
9/01/2016 Is to days date.
I am still growing Acorns though although all the Oaks i grew i never get to see, as along with the relationship break up, came a move in location.
At the moment i have about ten Acorns that are sprouting, and they are in compost/ soil, in my cold frame.

1 comment:

  1. You've done a good thing. Hopefully these trees are continuing to grow a little bit each year and would by now, 5 years later, be firmly established. The real beneficiaries of these endeavours are people neither you or nor I will ever meet...peoples whose times will come centuries from now. Thanks for putting your thoughts to writing - hopefully it will inspire others.
