Thursday 12 September 2013

How to grow an Oak tree from an acorn. in England.

How to grow an Oak tree from an acorn, In England.
Growing an Oak tree from an Acorn, Please read on.
Or maybe have permission to plant one or more in local woods, school or other suitable area.
I will provide some links to organisations who may be able to help get your Oak tree a suitable place to grow.
Moving on ok so you want to grow an Oak tree from an Acorn.
I recommend simply finding a donor tree, and picking up the Acorns as they fall.
There are a few recommended ways to start , once you have your Acorns.
The way I use is to collect the acorns, discarding any that are damaged, small, holed, or that float in a bucket of water.
A good tip is to collect Acorns from a healthy looking tree, myself I always try to collect Acorns from a big tree.
My theory is big Oak tree = a strong genetic for growing strong healthy Acorns into other big strong Oaks.
Simple enough so far.
Right  the way I start off is to sort Acorns as above, then put them in the fridge, in a container containing damp saw dust.
You will notice the saw dust taking in more water for a week or so, damp or very damp is what you are looking for.
I turn my containers now and again to give the water chance to soak in.
Do not let your Acorns dry out, either plant them right away or get them in the damp saw dust.

The other way is to simply plant them in a container, or in the ground.
Once you put the Acorns in the fridge forget about them for about 6 weeks.
You will notice them swelling slightly, then splitting open, once they are at this stage keep a weekly eye on them for a shoot to emerge.

It takes time just be patient ok.

I wait until the shoot is about an inch long then , put them into a pot containing compost.
Put them root down, and the acorn half into the compost, keep the compost damp.
Be prep aired...
The first year I collected about a hundred Acorns, expecting only a few to grow.
To my surprise I had sprouting Acorns every where, I had no pots or compost to cope with the numbers that took.
this year we are good to go, plenty of pots and a few big bags of compost.
We also have an organisation who say they may be able to help, by taking some away and planting them.
Me and my other half, Elaine live in rented property, so planting in the garden is a big no no.
Growing Acorns has been very interesting for us both, finding homes for the young Oaks has been a real challenge.
We have been lucky, and by asking people if they would like a free young Oak tree have cleared all but about 4 of them.
Today I went out and Collected some more Acorns, there are loads of Oak trees around this area.

Loads more to follow including.

Identifying what SORT Oak tree you are growing.....
Why I started growing Oak in the first place.
Who to contact regarding where you can plant your young tree.
Pictures of  different types of Oak/ Acorns.

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