Sunday 13 October 2013

Growing an Oak tree from an Acorn.

Growing an Oak tree from an Acorn.
Having already collected my Acorns, I checked on some yesterday.
To my surprise some Acorns are sprouting already.
Here is a picture of some of the Acorns that are breaking open and sprouting.
The little white bits is sawdust, you can clearly see the root , on the bottom right hand side Acorn.
I have planted some in compost, some are in damp saw dust in the fridge.
The Acorns that have started to grow are in damp sawdust in the garden shed.
If I am honest I think they have jumped the gun a little, the shoots are only just emerging though.
I will keep a close eye on them over the next month, as soon as there is an inch or so of root , I will plant them in pots.
None of the other Acorns are showing signs of  shoots, I may put some pictures on here to show a month by month view.
Ok I have created another page, on the right hand side look for the picture page.
Some of my Acorns are planted in compost/soil, please take a look to se how they are doing so far.
Todays date is 13/10/2013.
I now have another ten Acorns to plant out, looks like they going mad this year.
More on the way, and in a week or two will show progress of the ones already in soil.
On the paged marked month by month progress of the Acorns.

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